CDOT Proposes New Transit System

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Many Northern Coloradans have been frustrated about the traffic congestion along the I-25 corridor between Fort Collins to Denver. Colorado’s population is booming with 50% growth in the last 20 years and another 50 percent growth projected during the next 20 years.

In 2015, 546 people died in Colorado traffic-related crashes, and more than 3,000 were seriously injured, costing time, money, and frustrations. Therefore, new technologies need to be adopted to reduce these statistics.

Larimer and Weld counties have the highest growth areas for the next decade. Lots of discussion existed about the Highway 34 and I-25 corridor with a proposed mass transit system for the near future.

Colorado’s Department of Transportation (CDOT) announced last month it has been selected by Los Angeles based Hyperloop One as one of 35 worldwide semifinalists for a new high speed mass transit system. It will be capable of moving passengers and cargo safely over 700 mph between Greeley and Denver to the Denver International Airport. The proposed Phase I Hwy 34/I-25 route will stop at major cities with future phases going from Denver to Pueblo. CDOT will know in May if they are one of the finalists.

Hyperloop One uses capsules riding on an air cushion using magnetic levitation. It is a new concept to move people and cargo at airline speeds for the price of a bus ticket. It’s touted as energy-efficient and safe. Many countries want this technology ASAP if testing proves successful this year. Here’s another example of technology improving the lives and safety of the human race.

~ Bob Larson is a former engineer, photo-journalist, technologist, and Marketing Director at 50 Plus Media Solutions.

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