How Carbon Impacts Our Environment!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

A recent scientific TV program showed how trees are disappearing across our planet and affecting our environment with increasing carbon rates, aka carbon footprint. Deforestation across the planet has reduced our trees to under three trillion trees worldwide. This is half of our tree population several thousand years ago. The other problem is our population is increasing from currently 7.5 billion people to an estimated 11 billion people by 2050.

The scientific concept of trees and plants taking carbon dioxide in and producing oxygen is the opposite of the human and animal kingdoms. This seems like a natural balance to sustain life. However, the tree population is reducing faster, while the human population is increasing at a faster rate than normal. Trees and plants also regulate the annual oxygen, carbon dioxide, water, and heat, thereby affecting the environment. Trees also produce wood and paper products, which the demand has increased substantially over the last two centuries.

A new method of monitoring the trees using earth observation satellites has determined our carbon footprint is increasing. Every eight days, scientists track and determine the worldwide forests have higher carbon rates due to fewer trees. Over 40 billion tons of carbon levels occur each year. This means less oxygen, less water, and higher heat values. By 2050, the scientists have calculated two trillion trees will be remaining on our planet, thus more carbon.

However, a new concept using air capture technology may be the answer. A new membrane material captures the carbon dioxide and reduces the carbon footprint using proposed artificial trees, and converting the carbon dioxide to new user products such as carbon nanotubes in replacing our dwindling wood and metal alloys. Technology can save our planet!

~ Bob Larson is a technologist, photo-journalist, and Marketing Director at 50 Plus Media Solutions.

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