Assistance League of Greeley Awards Scholarships

Assistance League of Greeley awarded 14 scholarships totaling $58,821.00 to single parents attending Aims Community College or the University of Northern Colorado. Recipients must be a resident of Weld County, be a custodial single parent with a minor child living in the home at least 50% of the time, and maintain a 3.0 undergraduate grade point average.

Since the scholarship program began in 1991, the philanthropic organization has awarded single-parent scholarships totaling over $778,821. Funds to support the program are primarily raised through the all-volunteer organization’s upscale thrift store, the Bargain Box, located at 1706 – 9th Street in Greeley. The Bargain Box is open Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. – 4 pm and Saturday, Noon – 3p.m.

All proceeds from the fund-raising efforts remain in the local community. Assistance League funds programs that are unduplicated in the community. The other philanthropic programs include Operation School Bell, Warm up Weld County, File of Life, Assault Survivor Kits and Color Me Weld. The work of the 75 volunteer members allowed the Assistance League to provide over $143, 063 to these programs with over 19,280 hours of service during the past year.

For further information on Assistance League of Greeley, visit their website at,. or call 970-353-2226 or email


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