Spring Cleaning for Pets!

It’s Spring and spring cleaning is underway! Everyone – including our pets – feel better when our surroundings are clean and comfortable.

Here are some things to do to help keep your house clean and your beloved pets happy during the change of seasons!

  • Clean your pet’s bed. Use non-scented detergent, and skip the fabric softener, dryer sheets and fabric “refreshers” to avoid irritating your pet’s skin and lungs – or simply hang it out to dry for extra spring freshness!
  • Wash collar and toys. Use a pet-safe shampoo.
  • Clean pet food dishes. It’s easy to forget, but cleaning your pets’ dishes regularly is a good habit.
  • Keep an easily washable towel by the back door so when your pet comes in from the outside you can wash his feet before he tracks mud throughout the house.
  • Brush your pet every day to collect winter coat hairs before they end up on your floor.

When cleaning your house, use natural ingredients – like vinegar, certain essential oils + baking soda – which are just as powerful, but non-toxic for you and your pets.

Here’s to happy pets and clean homes!

Compliments of Pets Wellbeing 2015

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