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Editorial & Holiday Calendar 2024

January New Beginnings: Health & Fitness; Weight Loss; Nutrition Holidays: 1st is New Years Day; 15th is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
February National Pet Dental Health Month; Senior Resource Guide in Larimer & Weld; Transportation, Mobility; Holidays: 1st is National Freedom Day; 2nd is Groundhog Day; 14th is Valentine’s Day; 16th is National Caregiver’s Day; 19th is President’s Day
March Tax Guide; Investments, Financial Planning, Reverse Mortgages; College Funds For Grandchildren; Gifts
and Donations; Gifting To Children. 10th is Daylight Savings Time & Spring begins on the 20th. Holidays: 17th is St. Patrick’s Day;29th is Palm Sunday; 31st is Easter Sunday
April Home & Garden Guide, Housing: Assisted Living, In-Home Care, Real Estate; Affordable Housing
Holidays: 1st is April Fool’s Day; 15th is Tax Day; 26th is Earth Day; 28th is Arbor Day
May Mothers’ Day Guide: Gifts For Mom, Florists, Restaurants; Family Relations/Communication; National Pet Month; Salute To Seniors Guide: Denver Metro. Holidays: 1st is National Law Day & Loyalty Day; 7th is National Teachers Appreciation Day; 6th is National Nurses Day; 12th is Mother’s Day; 18th is Armed Forces Day; 27th is Memorial Day
June Senior Resource Guide in Larimer & Weld; Travel and Entertainment; Fathers’ Day Guide: Gifts for Dad, Restaurants, etc. Crime Prevention; National Pet Adoption Month; Rocky Mountain Senior Games. Holidays: 14th is Flag Day; 16th is Father’s Day
July July Travel Guide: Travel Agencies, Luggage, Clothing, Gambling Areas, Senior Destinations; Certified Services for Seniors: Realtors, Financial Advisors. Holidays: 4th is Independence Day; 28th is Parents Day
August National Assisted Living Week Section; Continuing Education; Health Care; Long-term Care; LTC Insurance. Holidays: 1st is Colorado Day; 4th is Friendship Day; 18th is Senior Citizens Day; 26th is Women’s Equality Day
September Senior Fitness Guide: Gyms, Exercise equipment & clothing, Personal Trainers, Massage, Chiropractors, Dieticians, etc. Holidays: 2nd is Labor Day; 11th is Patriot’s Day; 8th is Grandparents Day; 17th is Citizenship Day; 21st is World Peace Day; 24th is Native Americans Day
October Election Guide; Mental Health topics; Isolation; Computer information and education. Holidays: 14th is Columbus Day; 16th is National Bosses Day; 24th is United Nations Day; 31st is Halloween
November Senior Resource Guide in Larimer & Weld; Holiday Gift Guide; Drug/Prescriptions; Holidays: 1st is All Saints Day; 5th is Election Day; 5th is Daylight Savings ends; 11th is Veterans Day; 28th is Thanksgiving; 29th is Black Friday Shopping Day
December Holiday Gift Guide; Re-Creating And Updating Traditions; Leaving Legacies Holiday: 2nd is Cyber Monday Shopping Day; 7th is Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day; 13th is National Guard Day; 25th is Christmas; 31st is New Year’s Eve

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