New Stent Retriever Saves Stroke Victims

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Ischemic stroke (brain clot) is a leading cause of disability and death affecting approximately 795,000 U.S. stroke victims annually and accounts for almost 90 percent of all strokes. Strokes can result in long-term functional impairments for the patient such as difficulty in walking or speaking.

stent retrieverA new device called a stent retriever, basically a small wire cage attached to a long wire catheter, along with a clot busting drug has proven to be 91% successful in treating these types of strokes. This procedure provides almost no noticeable effect of a stroke after the treatment has been completed. However, it is necessary to provide this treatment within 2.5 hours to achieve this result.

The transcatheter device uses a Technology is Hip! stent-like device to trap and retrieve a blood clot in the brain in cases of an ischemic stroke. The procedure takes less than one hour after diagnosing the ischemic type of stroke. In many instances, the stroke victim is awake during the procedure.

Medical experts strongly encourage anyone experiencing stroke symptoms, such as a facial droop, numbness, weakness, blurry vision or speech difficulty, to call 911 immediately. When it comes to a stroke, time is of the essence according to the National Stroke Association using the FAST (Facial droop, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, and Time to call 911) approach to determine the stroke warning signs.

Coloradans across the Front Range have several hospitals with the stent retriever services. This is another great use of technology to improve human lives.

~ Bob Larson is a technologist, photo journalist, and Marketing Director for 50Plus Media Solutions.

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