Advances in Telemedicine

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Compared to other industries, healthcare has been relatively slow to embrace new technology such as Telemedicine/Telehealth, according to medical experts. However, that is changing with more federal and state support in legislation to adopt more telemedicine/telehealth services.

With over 324 million population in the U.S. per June 2016 Census Bureau data, people aged 65 and older make up about 15 percent of the United States population and that figure could reach 20 percent by 2030. The over-65 population will continue to drive up healthcare costs, and support for telemedicine manufacturers and software developers are making new inroads for both patients and providers.

The over-65 segment of the population, which accounts for about 63% of the U.S. long-term healthcare services, is expected to drive the demand for new healthcare technologies, according to a recent Grand View Research report.

The valuable data rendered from these medical devices, that monitor blood pressure and other vitals, allows physicians to provide faster proactive care before a condition worsens for their patients.

Good news: a recent study found that more than 35% of employers with on-site health facilities now offer telemedicine services, and another 12% plan to add them in the next two years. The growth of telemedicine reflects the demand for these products and services.

New medical devices such as smartwatches connected to fitness bands are providing new consumer products on improving health for these users. Google plans on adding a contact-lens form factor to read glucose levels. Another manufacturer has developed a biometric stamp that reports a user’s vitals to connected devices and doctors. All these new innovations are helping the human race live better and longer lives.

~ Bob Larson is a photo-journalist, technologist, and Marketing Director for 50 Plus Media Solutions.

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