Category: District Attorney’s Office

Scan or Scam?

In last month’s Scam Spotter, we wrote about back-to-school scams. I want to follow up with more information for parents about teens and scams. Surprisingly, the under 20-year-old age group is seeing the largest and fastest rise in online fraud. In fact, a study by the investigative service found a 156% increase in people …

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Jefferson County District Attorney Fraud Alert

In the early ‘70s, communities across the country formed neighborhood watch groups in response to home invasions and vandalism in neighborhoods. Often these groups began via the impetus of local law enforcement who partnered with citizens to keep communities safer. Later as home-based methamphetamine labs began to proliferate, these neighborhood watch groups often assisted law …

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Denver District Attorney Anti-Scam Tips

Looking back on our March 2020 Fraud Newsletter, we wrote about Covid scams, Covid ‘cures’ and fake tests. A year later the scams keep coming. Scams played such a big roll in 2020 that Federal Trade Commission (FTC) received more than 4.7 million scam and fraud reports totaling nearly $3.3 billion in losses compared to …

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