Protect Yourself Against Tax Scams

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Last year, the IRS estimated about $2.5 billion in bogus tax return fraud, down from $5.2 billion in 2010. The IRS, state tax agencies and tax preparation companies are doing even more this year to protect your personal data and thwart criminals from stealing it. The IRS recommends these eight tips:

1. Don’t be duped by calls, emails or texts purporting to be from a government tax agency. Don’t share your bank account number or send money due to a phone call by IRS impersonators.
2. Don’t click on any links. Attachments to emails pretending to be from a tax or financial institution may infect your computer or steal your log-in information.
3. Safeguard your computer. Install security software that provides anti-virus and firewall protections and keep them updated.
4. Encrypt computer files with valuable information. That includes your personal, financial or tax data.
5. Lock ‘n shred. Paper files with valuable information should be kept in a locked file or shred old files.
6. Keep an eye on your credit. Check your credit report and Social Security earnings record at least once a year to make sure no one else is using your credit or Social Security number.
7. Don’t overshare. Don’t offer personal details such as your address, your bank, your maiden name, or anything else.
8. Need tax help? Use federally approved tax services for filing tax returns and file early. Check with your local Better Business Bureau for approved tax services. Visit the IRS website: for more info. Using these technology tips, be safe and secure with your tax returns this year to eliminate any possible fraud!

~ Bob Larson is a technologist, photo-journalist, and Marketing Director for 50 Plus.

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