100 Years and Going Strong

In the early 1900’s Weld County sorta had a fair – on one year and not the next. The headline in the Greeley Tribune read “We Want A Fair” and a group of Weld County citizens made that happen. In 1918 Weld County stepped in to keep the fair going and here we are today – 100 years later still going strong.

The fair made it through World War I and had military equipment on the grounds during the fair and World War II when there was a display of home preserved foods titled “Vitamins, Vittals and Victory” and many other historical events down through the year.

The 100th Celebration is going to be special. The awards – ribbons, plaques, banners and buckles – are unique to this year. We have a lot of activities to enjoy. Senior Day is Friday, July 27th at the Pavilion and is hosted by Noble Energy includes activities and serves lunch. Saturday, July 28th at the Pavilion there are a variety of activities including music and demonstrations put on by Centennial Village. You can visit the fair then spend some time at Centennial Village on Friday, July 27th through Sunday, July 29th for only $2 admission. On Sunday, July 29th we have the Bucket Calf Show, fair parade, Vette Fest Corvette Show and Free BBQ Lunch.

Come out to the fair to look at the animals 4-H and FFA members are showing, visit the Open Division and 4-H Building to see everything from beautifully decorated cakes to rockets and everything in between. There is no admission charge, no parking charge and all activities on the grounds is free to fair goers.

Come to Island Grove Regional Park Wednesday, July 25th – Sunday, July 29th – bring family, friends and neighbors and have fun at the fair. There is detailed information on our website weldcountyfair.com.

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