America Responds Donating

America Responds With Love  Donates Stuffed Animals To City Of Aurora

America Responds With Love, a national nonprofit organization, donated 200 stuffed animals and comfort pillows to the City of Aurora. This donation took place as the City of Aurora remembered the victims, survivors, and care givers of a shooting at a local movie theater in 2012.

A ceremony was held on the morning of July 20th to honor the lives of the men and women who died, the men and women who survived injuries, and the men and women who worked tirelessly to help them and their families as they strived to move forward.

stuffedanimalsThe City of Aurora chose to make July 20, 2013, into a Day of Service to focus on ways that the people of Colorado could work to improve the community. Residents and others were encouraged to donate their time, their talents, and their treasures to help eleven non-profit organizations that serve people truly in need in Aurora.
It was in that spirit that America Responds With Love donated the stuffed animals and comfort pillows to the City of Aurora. This donation was made possible through the support of Kilpatrick Townsend, a law firm based in Atlanta with a large office in Denver.

These stuffed animals and comfort pillows were provided to America Responds With Love by the Town of Newtown in Connecticut. Following the shooting of school children and school personnel in December of 2012, people throughout the United States sent thousands of stuffed animals and comfort pillows to the Town of Newtown. The community utilized a portion of the donated products to help people truly in need in Newtown as well as throughout the State of Connecticut.
Many of the items that were not needed within the State of Connecticut were donated to America Responds With Love by the Town of Newtown.

“This generous gift to the Aurora community from the citizens of Newtown is very kind and thoughtful. The stuffed animals and comfort pillows will be used by many of our non-profit organizations who assist in times of stress, disaster and tragedy,” said Mayor Steve Hogan. “America Responds With Love provides caring support to people in crisis situations, and Aurora is grateful for their dedication and service.”
Among the non-profit organizations in Aurora receiving stuffed animals and comfort pillows are Arapahoe House, ARC of Aurora, Aurora Mental Health, Aurora Resilience Center, Aurora Warms the Night, Boys and Girls Club of Aurora, Colfax Community Network, Comitis Crisis Center, Gateway Battered Women’s Shelter, Metro Community Provider Network, and SungateKids.
“Kilpatrick Townsend is proud to partner with America Responds With Love to honor and help those affected by tragedy in Aurora and elsewhere in Colorado,” said Mr. Kristopher Reed, Kilpatrick Townsend attorney.

America Responds With Love is donating the stuffed animals and comfort pillows to a number of hospitals, police departments, social service organizations, and others that help serve people truly in need. The City of Aurora is one of the recipients of these donated products.

“We are pleased to be able to help the Town of Newtown find ways to utilize the stuffed animals and comfort pillows donated in the wake of the tragedy,” explained Mr. Richard McDonough, President and Chief Executive Officer of America Responds With Love. “We believe Americans who generously donated the stuffed animals and comfort pillows will find that using these products to help people truly in need in the City of Aurora and in other communities will be a fitting way to remember the lives lost in Newtown.”

“The leadership of City of Aurora will help not only people truly in need in Aurora, but others in Colorado.”

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About America Responds With Love: America Responds With Love is a national non-profit organization that provides products and services to people truly in need throughout the United States. Among those helped during more than 25 years of services are disaster victims, families in crisis, military veterans, and others that are truly in need.

Books have been provided to a children’s school hit by an arson fire, to senior citizen centers, and to schools in communities truly in need. To enhance the environment and help restore lands, America Responds With Love has provided more than 8 million flower bulbs to communities in nine states in the past eight years. Relief has been provided in communities hit by disasters ranging from the Gulf Coast to northern New Jersey and from south Florida to Joplin, Missouri. Housing has been provided to families in crisis and military veterans in a number of communities throughout the nation.

Richard McDonough
America Responds With Love
1-321-AMERICA or 1-321-263-7422

Mayor Steve Hogan accepted some of the 200 stuffed animals and comfort pillows donated by America Responds With Love. Presenting the donation to the City of Aurora was Mr. Kristopher Reed of Kilpatrick Townsend of Denver. Mr. Hogan has served the City of Aurora as Mayor since 2011. Mr. Reed has volunteered with America Responds With Love since 2011.
A few of the stuffed animals and comfort pillows donated by America Responds With Love to the City of Aurora.

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