Hover Longevity Spotlight

At Hover Senior Living Community we value our staff and residents. As a special way to honor those who have been part of our community for more than 5 years we would like to feature some of the great people who make Hover a special place to live and work.

Nezha Latrache is a Universal Worker for 11 Years.
1. What is the best part about working at Hover?
A: The best part about working at Hover is the relationships I have developed with the residents and their families. After working here for many years and spending the entire day with the residents, bonds are formed and the residents and their family become my family.
2. Share a funny or interesting story about your time here:
A: One of my favorite stories is when a resident confused me as a waitress and continued to call me a waitress throughout the day. When it was time to eat and I was serving her food she mentioned that I did a great job and I needed a tip for my fantastic service. While cleaning up I found a “tip” on the table and I have kept that tip ever since!
3. What have you gained from working at Hover?
A: I feel as though I have gained so much from working at Hover. From the relationships I have gained with residents and coworkers to the great amount of joy when helping take care of the residents. I have learned to appreciate the little things in life even more. I truly cherish the time that I get to spend with the residents and their families and hope to continue to be there for them for years to come.

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