Farming Is Becoming High Tech!

Bob Larson writes Technology is Hip coluumn via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Farming has really changed through the last centuries. The history of agriculture can be divided into three parts: 1800s preindustrial subsistence farming uses a lot of land and labor, 1900s industrial farming uses machinery to replace labor and produce huge amounts of food on smaller plots, and in this century, farmers use computers and other technologies in obtaining critical data from many sources on farm equipment and plants, satellite images and weather tracking. Data from these sources will allow farmers to use water and fertilizers more efficiently. The use of water and fertilizer can be measured and monitored in detail, even on a plant-by-plant basis. This means higher profits and less waste, less erosion, less fertilizer in the lakes and rivers, and less water use. Higher yields and less waste can be achieved with better data on weather, soil conditions and market demand for specific crops, which can be monitored and delivered via a smartphone or tablet computer.

Farm machinery data is also important in achieving the best crop yields. Data has discovered problems in all phases of farming, thus eliminating time, waste, and ultimately reducing costs in farming. Even drones are used to get a bird’s eye view of crops to determine problem spots that can’t been seen from the ground.

Western Growers, a trade group representing farmers in California, Arizona and Colorado opened its Center for Innovation and Technology in 2015. The center provides support for startups, investors and growers to develop solutions in areas ranging from computer vision, Internet cloud, robotics, drones, automation, food safety and plant breeding.

This is another great use of technology in making our planet more efficient and providing food for a growing population.

~ Bob Larson is a technologist and Marketing Director for 50 Plus

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