Medicare Coverage Information

Be sure to take advantage of the Annual Enrollment Period beginning October 15 and ending December 7th. During this period you are allowed to make changes to your Medicare Coverage. It’s vitally important to check what changes are going to be made by the company you are with. The results can be evaluated. A decision can then be made whether to remain with your current provider and their changes or move to another provider. Each year a person’s needs could be different. It is important the plan you have or will have fits those needs.

Valeria Ortiz, Sales Agent,
United Healthcare

Medicare is going to have some revisions regarding the Elections Period starting in 2019. Among those revisions, you will be allowed an additional opportunity to make changes in your plan. This particular Medicare Care Coverage revision is not in place yet. So, we’ll have to wait and see what the new requirements and specifics will be. As a Medicare Mentor, I can be of assistance answering questions and guiding you to the right plan that fits your needs. I have community meetings scheduled October 18th, 10:00 a.m. (Spanish) at the Evans Recreation Center and October 30th, 2:00 p.m. at the Loveland Chilson Center

In the meantime, if you have Medicare Coverage questions, call 970-347-0396.

I will be glad to hear from you and be of assistance if at all possible. Valeria Ortiz, Sales Agent, United Healthcare. Thank you. Gracias.

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