Care for the Caregiver

November is National Family Caregiver’s Month and I can’t think of a better time to recognize the t r e m e n d o u s contributions of caregivers, than by inviting each of you to honor yourself with the gift of self-care. I know the task of finding time for yourself when caring for an older adult can seem insurmountable. This is true whether you are a full time in-home caregiver, or juggling caregiving with other demands of life — like work or raising children.

Those who thrive as caregivers have learned that taking time for themselves is vital. On the other side of the coin, according to the Caregiver Action Network, 40 – 70% of family caregivers struggle with depression. Plus, it is not uncommon for caregivers to experience a decline in their own physical health. Caregivers deserve to feel good, and those you are caring for reap more from your relationship if you are well.

If you are a caregiver, consider what would nurture you? Maybe it’s time to yourself, time with a friend, counseling, exercise, or a fun class. We typically know what we need if we take the time to ask ourselves. Whatever it is, don’t hesitate to ask others for help. There may be people in your inner circle already who could lend a hand — family, friends, neighbors, or involved service providers. There are also many options for help available through your city’s senior services organizations, and the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging’s programs. If you are stuck on how to make this happen, browse our service directory at, or call me and we can figure out what would support you!

~ Juliette Jonjak Kershner is Caregiver Initiative Coordinator with Boulder County Area Agency on Aging, a Division of Community Services. For more information on BCAAA caregiver services, call 303- 678-6116 or email 

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