Make A New Year’s Resolution To Smile

Colorado Gerontological Society via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Eileen Doherty

As the holidays near and the end of 2018 draws to a close, our thoughts think of bringing happiness, love and joy to our family, friends and community. The holidays bring many opportunities to share. But one of the easiest things to share is your smile.

According to Managing Well, numerous research studies suggest that smiling has many health benefits. First and foremost, smiling improves your mood. If you are having a bad day and suffer from anxiety and depression, just try smiling. Smile to others. Smile to yourself.

And while you are smiling, your blood pressure can decrease. Studies show that stress decreases when you laugh. Laughter can reduce your risk of heart diseases. When you laugh, your heart rate increases followed by a period of muscle relaxation. Why smile? It reduces heart disease and stress.

Smiling and laughter help to improve your immune system. Smiles and laughter release molecules that send positive signals to your brain. When you have positive thoughts, it is easier to feel good about yourself.

A Mayo Clinic study reveals that smiling is a natural pain reliever. The study reports there are positive links between laughter and smiling. Laughter serves as a natural pain reliever. Laughter also allows individuals to tolerate higher levels of pain.

Individuals who smile a lot are often surrounded by other persons. Smiling is addictive. It sends a message that you are likable and care about others around you. A smile is a great icebreaker when you are in a new situation, as well as a familiar situation. Individuals who smile often have long and lasting interpersonal relationships.

~Eileen Doherty, MS is the Executive Director of the Colorado Gerontological Society and teaches Nonprofit Management for Fort Hays State University. She can be contacted at 303-333-3482 or 

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