Caffeine Awareness Month

By Patty Endres, Garden Square at Westlake Assisted Living

I was doing some research about caffeine and the affects it has on the senior and especially the elderly population and was surprised at some of the information I found. There are both positive and negative effects. The most highly known negative affect is that caffeine can be a diuretic, that is, it can tend to rob the system of fluid and cause excessive urination. So, people might need to drink the same amount of water as they do coffee to ensure there is enough fluid in the system for it to operate properly. Dehydration can lead to symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness which could lead to falls. It can cause increased blood pressure, which can be harmful if the person is already taking blood pressure medication. It has also been linked to possibly reducing bone strength and density which can put people with osteoporosis at higher risk for fractures and brittle bones. It can cause heart palpitations and has been linked to lower cognitive functioning in elderly women.

But the surprising effects of caffeine for the elderly are that there actually can be benefits. Those who regularly drink coffee with caffeine can have a reduced risk of heart disease, possible increased muscle strength and it has antioxidants that can reduce free radicals that can cause strokes. It also can reduce the risk of developing type II Diabetes and Parkinson’s disease.

Of course everything we eat and drink affects us and the key word is moderation. Some studies showed that anything from 1-6 8ounce cups of coffee or caffeine/day is moderation. Others said that 5-7 cups is excessive. So, if you’re a coffee-drinker and you are having some symptoms that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, it may be that simply cutting down your consumption by a couple of cups may help the symptoms subside. So, talk to your health care provider and make sure you discuss your coffee/caffeine intake when you go for check-ups for symptom discernment.

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