Wii Bowling at Columbine!

By Yvonne Myers, Health Systems Director, Columbine Health Systems

It is hard to believe we have been Wii Bowling for over 10 years. We started our Annual Wii Bowling Tournament pretty close to when the Wii became available. Although everyone enjoys golf and the other events within Wii – bowling is the most popular.

Our residents at our four independent livings, three assisted livings, and our five skilled nursing facilities practice year around. In fact, when you move in, we ask if you like to Wii Bowl. If you have never heard of it – we teach you the ropes.

Wii Bowling is scheduled each week and resident’s can participate when they want. Competition, socializing and making friends, while improving your game, are the best benefits of playing. In many of our facilities, resident teams will compete against staff for bragging rights. As you can imagine, most often the residents win. All of this is so that the best teams can compete against each other at the Drake Center in June of each year. Teams arrive from Windsor, Loveland, and around Fort Collins wearing their bowling shirts. There are team names and this year a team chant! After enjoying bowling snacks and beverages, the games begin! Teams play through the bracket until a winner is declared. The sound of cheering fills the room – but only for your own team. Winners are smiling, hugging, and very happy. Losers begin discussions on their strategies for next year. There is even a trophy honoring each year’s winner.

Won’t you join in the fun?

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