A Sea Cruise along the Canadian Coast

Seniors looking for a relaxing ocean voyage will find a Canadian Maritime cruise just the ticket. Seven-day itineraries typically include port visits in Quebec City, Charlottetown, Sydney, Halifax, and the New England Town of Bar Harbor, Maine.

Ron Stern

Ron Stern

Several cruise lines offer journeys here including Holland America which caters to more of a senior clientele. While some cruise ships offer things like rock climbing, go-karts (believe it or not.), and pulse pounding bars and lounges, their ship, the Zaandam prefers to focus on more genteel options. You can enjoy afternoon tea on a lazy afternoon seeing the sites from their large windows; learn some cooking recipes in America’s Test Kitchen, luxuriate in their spa or enjoy a fine meal in their opulent two-level dining room.

Each port has a large variety of shore excursions available and on this itinerary here are just a few of the highlights:

In very French Quebec City visit the Chateau Frontenac Hotel that towers over the town, surrounded by colorful gardens, street artists, and international visitors popping into the town’s restaurants and trendy shops.

Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, is the fictional home of Anne Gilbert from the book Anne of Green Gables. Available excursions include a visit to the home of the author. If you love seafood, try one of the perfect lobster rolls near the harbor. While there, Cow’s Ice Cream is rated by some as the world’s best.

In Halifax, you can walk along their idyllic wooden boardwalk to the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic. This popular attraction houses a unique collection of exhibits from the Halifax explosion of 1917 and actual relics from the Titanic.

For more information visit HollandAmerica.com. Visit Ron’s site at Globalgumshoe.com


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