Hazel Miller, The Long Run to Headline Salute to Seniors

Looking for a day of fun, cultural experiences, and great information for older adults, join the Colorado Gerontological Society at the 31st Annual Salute to Seniors on April 4, 2020 at the Colorado Convention Center, Denver. Hazel Miller, Colorado’s own blues, pop, and gospel singer will be performing in concert. Miller has performed at the White House for Bill Clinton, as well as for the Denver Broncos 1998 Super Bowl.

Colorado Gerontological Society via 50 Plus Marketplace News for northern Colorado seniors

Eileen Doherty

Back by popular demand, The Long Run, an Eagles tribute band featuring five local musicians dedicated to the faithful reproduction of the music of America’s most iconic band is coming back to the stage.

Opening is Oromo Dance Colorado with native Ethiopian dancers in full costume to native music.

The Society will host the Census Kick-Off as part of our work with Together We Count, Colorado’s initiative to count all older adults. Volunteers can complete census forms through secure online portals. Being counted in the census is critical to the Colorado. The Census determines the amount of money Colorado receives for highways, bridges, housing, Medicare, social programs, and aging programs. The Census information helps to determine how many representative Colorado has in Congress. Much of the work of The Society is determined by the Census.

The Salute features hundreds of experts and resources. Expo participants will bring you information about leisure activities, healthy living alternatives, technology advances to promote independent living, and other services such as health insurance, home care, legal services, and housing. Cigna Insurance Company is the title sponsor with support from Denver Human Services as the host sponsor.

Other features include bingo, Mustangs and Corvettes showcased by Forney Museum of Transportation, Loteria by Latino Community Foundation, and chair yoga and healthy cooking by The Center on Colfax. Lots of prizes and giveaways. Grand prize is an overnight stay and free buffet at The Lodge Casino.

Doors open at 9 am. Admission is free. Light Rail stops at the front door. Call 303-333-3482 or visit our website for parking and shuttle details. Advance registrations suggested at www.senioranswers.org or 303-333-3482.

~ Eileen Doherty, MS is the Executive Director of the Colorado Gerontological Society and teaches Nonprofit Management for Fort Hays State University. She can be contacted at 303-333-3482 or doherty001@att.net

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