Coronavirus Scam Alert!

Another scam around the Corona Virus!

Phishing emails offering information on the Corona-Virus can be disguised malware. An example is the Corona-virus map that has a very realistic presentation and appears to be from Johns Hopkins, World Health Organization, or the Center for Disease Control. The high-risk virus (AZORult trojan) is used to steal your sensitive information from your computer. It is spread through infected email attachments and malicious on-line advertising.

Scam Alert

The scammers have replicated the map from Johns Hopkins to contain this malware.

*Johns Hopkins’ popular COVID-19 dashboard has been a go-to source for people who want to stay up to date on the virus.

This fake coronavirus-related map contains a type of spyware that steals usernames, passwords, credit card numbers and other data stored in browsers.

*Taken from

Please be alert and if you want accurate and up to date information on the virus, it is best to go straight to the official health websites to get your updates rather than opening an attachment or clicking a link in an email. I am sure there will be more versions of scams around this health concern so please be vigilant and careful.

Scam Alert courtesy of Larimer County Sheriff’s Office!

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