Coronavirus Crisis Worsens!

As of today (4/1) at 7 am MDT, the coronavirus crisis has intensified worldwide with a total of 882,068 confirmed cases and 44,136 deaths, up by a staggering 31% from several days ago per the World Health Organization! Makeshift hospitals and morgues are being installed in many states and countries as this crisis expands!

At 5 pm MDT today, the worldwide totals increased to 932,604 cases with 46,809 deaths and 213,323 cases and 4,754 deaths in the U.S., the most reported cases of any country! In Colorado, 3,342 confirmed cases with 80 deaths!

President Trump announced yesterday that the social distancing is extended to the end of April, but Infectious Diseases Doctor Anthony Fauci has now increased his death toll estimate to over 240,000 with a possible 1.5 million deaths if Americans don’t stay at home. It is apparent that a national lockdown may be required if the U.S. COVID-19 numbers don’t peak by the end of April.

Ironically, U.S. Whole Foods workers are striking and demanding that parent company Amazon give them both sick pay and hazard pay during this crisis! Many states are trying to help people out of work by telling landlords NOT to evict people or mortgage companies NOT to foreclose!

New York Governor Cuomo says this is ridiculous that each state’s governors are trying to outbid the others and FEMA on purchasing ventilators and other much needed medical supplies! Even the CDC is now considering all Americans to wear facemasks when outdoors to help prevent the spread of this highly contagious virus!

In Italy, an increase in deaths by 28% has major concerns as 66 Italian doctors have died due to lack of facemasks and medical supplies. “The virus is sucking the life out of this country” according to one BBC News reporter!

Resourceful Italian inventors are helping with the ventilator and facemask shortages by 3D printing these needed items to overcome this terrible crisis!

Even the U.S. Navy is reeling from the crisis as one Navy captain from the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt has written a letter to the Pentagon asking for immediate help on his 4,000 manned aircraft carrier deployed in the Pacific. He is requesting the removal of several hundred sick sailors to keep the virus from spreading and possibly docking his ship altogether until the virus can be contained! It was just announced the carrier is now docked in Guam under quarantine orders.

Americans and Coloradoans: Stay Home and Stay Healthy!

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