Celebrating A Centennial

The University Women’s Club of Boulder, Colorado is celebrating its centennial. Founded in 1919 as the Faculty Women’s Club of CU Boulder, membership was originally restricted to female faculty and faculty wives. Today, membership is open to all women who are friends of the University. The Club’s mission is to promote friendship and strengthen their bonds of common interest.

Seven members of the History Book Committee standing by a Declaration by the City of Boulder.

In its early years, the Club helped the wife of CU’s President organize social functions for the University. In the late ‘70’s and early ‘80’s Club members wrote a cookbook to support CU Libraries. In the 1990s they raised money for renovation.

The Club has supported CU students through a student loan fund and through scholarships. By 2019, over $309,000 had been awarded to 132 students. One way Club members raised funds was by holding elaborate fashion shows.

The Club promotes friendships through various activities. It has approximately 26 Interest Groups that provide opportunities for members to engage in a common interest, such as reading, hiking, biking, gardening, dining, and more. The Club hosts five lecture luncheons/dinners each year as well as an opera brunch. Raising money for scholarships is an important activity; scholarship winners are introduced to members at an annual scholarship luncheon.

All women friends of the University are invited to join the Club. Dues are $35. More information can be found at: www.boulderuwc.org. A copy of a book describing the Club’s first one hundred years, written by a committee working for over two years, can be found there.

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