Doug Enders

Doug Enders had a front-row seat to and took part in, some major historical events of the 20th Century. Doug enlisted in the Marines before America’s involvement in World War II. This took him to an assignment in Iceland and he was there when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Shortly after, he was sent back to the States and then on to the Pacific. He would take part in the Marshall Islands invasion, landing in the 3rd wave. When the Japanese finally surrendered, Doug was transferred to Tokyo as part of the Marine Corps contingent in General MacArthur’s Occupation headquarters.

After his service was up, he used his communications experience in the Marines and went to work at AT&T. From there he went to work as a broadcast engineer at NBC and then ABC. He was there in the infant years of television, helping in its development and being part of some of the early classic TV shows and programs.

From television, he went to work for IBM, where he would have a fulfilling and successful 31-year career. Once again he was in the midst of another milestone, the dawn of the computer age.

Altogether Doug was personally involved in three major components that greatly changed the world – World War II, television, and computers. Like everyone in his generation, he has truly witnessed so much in the two centuries he has lived in.

Speaking of centuries, he celebrated his 100th birthday in August. Family, friends, and his ever so faithful fellow Marines gathered for a party and parade. Semper Fi Doug!!!!

~ Brad Hoopes is preserving the stories of veterans. For more veterans’ stories visit for the recent book, “Reflections of Our Gentle Warriors” 

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