Holiday Tips for Pet Owners

The most wonderful time of the year is here with the holiday season upon us. While you get ready to roast a Thanksgiving turkey and exchange gifts with friends and family, you also need to be aware of the dangers that could affect your pet this season.

Judy Calhoun & Ellie

Be careful of what’s on the holiday dinner table: Turkey and turkey skin, even in small amounts, can be dangerous to your pet’s digestive system and could cause pancreatitis. Table scraps can also have adverse effects on your pet, and this includes gravy and meat fat which can be fattening and hard for animals to digest.

Decorating: Christmas trees are beautiful and festive, but if not properly tied down they can pose a danger to your pets. Please consider tying your tree to the ceiling or to a door frame to help keep it sturdy if you have a pet that tries to explore its curiosity.

Water additives for your tree can also be hazardous to the health of your pet. Try to refrain from adding aspirin, sugar, or anything else to your tree’s water.

When you leave the house each day, make sure that any electrical decorations are unplugged in case your pet gets tempted to chew on the cords.

Hosting friends and family: Please make sure that your pet has access to a comfortable, quiet spot if you have family at your house this holiday season. Allow them to easily retreat when your pet feels the need without guests following them.

For more information on these tips and more holiday pet insight, visit and check out our blog section. We hope you, and your pet, have a safe and happy holiday season!

~ Judy Calhoun is the Executive Director for Larimer Humane Society in Loveland. See more info at

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