Mounted Patrol Unit serves Denver

By Marty Coffin Evans

During most years, residents and visitors to the Mile High City’s parks, special events, and Downtown on the 16th Street Mall will likely encounter the Mounted Patrol Unit. While their presence may not be as noticeable currently, they continue to support this portion of Denver’s Police Department.

Officer trainee Emily Buchan with Bronco, Officer Jannika Ryan with Max, and Officer Ron Jensen with Maverick take a break from their duties. The unit’s fourth horse Rudy is waiting in the barn for their return.

This mounted unit was brought back in 1984 due to the hard work of several officers, the generous support of the Denver Business Improvement District (DBID), and Betty Robertson. Officer Ron Jensen notes, “She and DIBD kept the unit alive for years. We even have her name on the large stable door in recognition of her love for these horses.” Located in southwest Denver, the barn houses four horses along with a tack room, office, and staff area. Two barn cats keep the rodents under control.

Under the reins of Officers Ron Jensen, Robert Southern, Rich Fischer, and Jannika Ryan, stablemates Bronco, Maverick, Rudy, and Max provide great PR and connect the community while on patrol. On occasion, they are called into service to assist with trail rescues, search and rescues, or places difficult to reach by a patrol car.

Over the years, the number of horses has fluctuated from 12 to the current 4 depending on budget challenges. The officers patrol city-wide with this mounted unit throughout the year and participate in parades as well. They also have duties involving the care and upkeep of the horses, barn, and equipment.

In addition to the Denver Police Department budget, donations help keep the unit alive for current and future generations. The officers would love to have as many horses as the barn can hold. Donations can be sent to Mounted Patrol Unit c/o Denver Police Department Finance, P.O. 40098, Denver, CO 80204.

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