Color Me Weld

Greeley Human Bean coffee shops assist the Greeley Assistance League (ALG) with Color Me Weld Program. The Human Bean coffee shops set up collection boxes at each of their coffee shops inviting customers to contribute coloring/activity books along with crayons or colored pencils in support of The Color Me Weld program.

The response was overwhelming and 12 full boxes plus money donations were delivered to ALG on Monday.

l-r: From Greeley Assistance League: Carol Cox,
Gwen Brinkman; from Greeley Human Bean:
Krista Smith, Jane Griffins

Sad as it seems, many children fall victims of violent crimes. ALG’s mission is to help these children, by way of diversion, while waiting in the hospital emergency room for treatment or other necessary observations, focus on something other than the trauma they recently experienced.

The Color Me Weld program assists the emergency staff at the hospital by supplying coloring/activity books along with crayons or colored pencils.

The program is administered by ALG and also funded by Weld County Victims and Law Enforcement (VALE) board.

A special thank you goes out to Human Bean Coffee shops for helping ALG support this much needed program.

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