Vaccinations Have Started for Coloradans Age 70+!

Governor Polis has set a goal of vaccinating 70% of Coloradans 70+ by the end of February. Please remember, while vaccination will happen as fast as possible, vaccinating everyone will take time. Your opportunity is coming!

Vaccines will primarily go to hospitals in these initial phases of distribution. According to the governor’s office, 50% of the state’s allocation will go to hospitals, 20% to federally qualified health centers, 20% local public health agencies and community partners, and the remaining 10% to retail pharmacies. Many residents have already been contacted by their doctor’s office, hospital, or pharmacy.

UCHealth registered nurse and research coordinator Stacie Kenny administers a shot to the first participant of UCHealth’s COVID-19 vaccine study being conducted in northern Colorado. Participants in the study will receive either a placebo vaccine or a vaccine developed by Oxford University and pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca. Photo courtesy of UCHealth.

If you do not have a doctor or pharmacy, or you haven’t been contacted by them yet, expect additional information on how to access the vaccine in the coming weeks via these weekly Please visit for information on signing up with health providers in the area.

Additionally, Colorado cities are working with community partners and senior living facilities on plans for on-site vaccination clinics for older adults who may not be able to get to a hospital or clinic. The rate at which Coloradans 70+ will be vaccinated depends on the federal supply of the vaccine. As cities receive more supply, you will be informed along the way. Please check out the new vaccine data dashboard to track each city’s progress in this critical step to stop the COVID-19 pandemic.

Please note that the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines are two dose vaccines, so you need to receive both doses to be fully protected from COVID-19. After your first dose, the same provider or health system will give you instructions on where and when to receive your second dose. In the meantime, continue to practice the 4Ws to protect yourself and those around you. Wear your mask! Wash your hands! Watch your distance! Wait on social gatherings!

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