Shots ‘n Jabs

It’s interesting to listen these days to the current conversation topic – shots. In some countries, they’re known as “jabs” so feel free to use whichever word you prefer.

Marty Coffin Evans

Very frequently, the conversation revolves around who got theirs, when, where, why not and which lists hold their names. Some may wonder how someone got on a list and how quickly they received “the shot.” Others become curious about side effects. Did the arm hurt? Did you get sick and feel flu like?

These and more questions whirl around those being administered to address ye ole COVID–19. Moderna and Pfizer have become household names in more recent months. Not all favor shots or jabs thus preferring to sit this one out. Shots have another place in our society depending on the situation. Sports fans have enjoyed pre-game shots. These rarely are considered for medicinal purposes, although their effect may be quickly noticed. Different contents have provided the liquid for pre-game shots. Some fans have enjoyed ritual Buffalo Trace shots prior to games whether in Colorado or out of state. Perhaps other brands have captured the interest and use of fans for different sports or locations.

Photography often provides an opportunity for a shoot. These too involve taking a good shot. Typically these involve people, events or scenery. “Did you get a good shot?” companions may inquire. I remember an African trip where we looked across at the other group members only to see an excited one trying for that unique shot. His problem – the lens cap remained on his camera. Yes, I know, that’s old technology! He could have captured the animals having their meal if he had a cell phone.

Regardless, how we live with “shots,” many will remain in our lives and vocabulary. As for “jabs,” you decide. Martha (Marty) Coffin Evans, Ed.D.

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