Veterans Plaza Pays Tribute to Service Dogs for Veterans

“Arthur, My Hero, My Friend” is the latest bronze statue addition at the Veterans Plaza of Northern Colorado. The statue was designed and created by Susan Norris, a very talented artist who resides in Cimarron, NM. She is the official sculptor for the Boy Scouts of American and her art includes 3-dimensional art, mainly bronze and ceramic sculpture, and paintings, at various galleries around the country.

Arthur Sculpture with Susan Norris, Major Diggs Brown (retired)

Major Diggs Brown (retired from US Army Special Forces), the founder of the Veterans Plaza, met Susan while he was passing through Cimarron, NM. His faithful service dog, Arthur, a black Labrador retriever, was at his side and caught Susan’s eye. A conversation followed and Susan showed Diggs a photograph of a sculpture she had recently completed. The bronze statue in the photo was of a military working dog morning the loss of his master.

“That photo caught my attention,” stated Diggs. “It is a very poignant tribute to the bond between service members who work with dogs on the battlefields and those who have come home to find themselves in need of a service dog to maintain a level of normalcy after their injuries and experiences.”

Diggs purchased the statue on the spot and the unveiling included Susan and Arthur during the 2021 Memorial Day weekend ceremony at the Plaza.

“This is a very emotionally charged statue and during the unveiling, the number of people who broke into tears was astounding. Their reaction to viewing this work of art clearly states the heartrending power of this piece of art. We are proud to display it at the Veterans Plaza,” said Diggs.

Arthur, Diggs’ service dog, came from a program in New York where prison inmates train the dogs for two years before they are placed with a veteran. The service dogs are trained to work with disabled up to quadriplegics and are in high demand for returning veterans. Arthur’s primary focus with Diggs is assistance with mobility, although he performs many other tasks including companionship.

“Arthur, My Hero, My Friend” sculpture is located at the main entrance of the Veterans Plaza, 2626 West Horsetooth Road, in Fort Collins. The park is open from 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM.

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