Longmont Meals on Wheels

Longmont Meals on Wheels is currently delivering meals three days per week: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. On Mondays and Wednesdays Longmont Meals on Wheels delivers a hot meal for that day plus a ready-to-heat meal for the following day. On Fridays the agency delivers one meal.

Meals on Wheels

Meals are delivered for lunch-time, between 11am and 12:30pm by a trained and background-checked volunteer. Meals, which include a main course and sides, are affordable and offered on a sliding scale up to $5.50. At the same time that a volunteer delivers a meal, they also check on the wellbeing of each participant.

These wellness checks offer important peace of mind. When volunteers arrive, if participants do not come to the door or if some-thing seems wrong, volunteers alert Longmont Meals on Wheels staff. Staff first tries to contact the participant and then calls emergency contacts. Longmont Meals on Wheels also calls hospitals to see if a participant has been admit-ted. If a client prefers a contact-less delivery, that is also available by leaving a cooler out with an ice pack in it.

Longmont Meals on Wheels also encourages participation in its Lockbox Program. This program ensures Longmont emergency services can reach participants in an emergency, without needing to hear someone calling for help. Be-cause Longmont emergency services cannot access a home simply at the request of someone who has reason to believe a resident is in danger, this program may be a real life saver.

At this time clients need to manage their own special-diet needs. Participants can do this by requesting extra meals on days that meet their dietary needs and cancelling days that do not.

For more information, to find a menu, to inquire about becoming a client or to sign up for newsletters, please visit www.longmontmeals.org or call 303-772-0540.

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