Anti-Ageism Group Grants First Age-Friendly Employer Certifications!

The anti-ageism organization, Changing the Narrative, and their Age-Friendly Workplace Initiative with The Age Friendly Foundation, have granted their first two certifications that recognize age-inclusive workplaces. Jewish Family Service and Vintage, the area agency on aging serving Eagle, Grand, Jackson, Pitkin, and Summit counties, are now “Certified Age-Friendly Employers” and may tout their new CAFE status.

Janine Vanderburg

The certification program acknowledges Colorado employers and businesses that are committed to eliminating ageism in the workplace and have earned the CAFE status by adapting their policies, procedures, and programs following a comprehensive, in-depth training and analysis.

Demographic shifts resulting from increases in life expectancy mean that traditional retirement is changing now and unlikely to exist in the future. Instead, we will see longer employment, increasingly phased retirement, part-time or reduced hours, and other modified employment options that are conducive to continued participation in the workforce. Employers that address the needs of older workers will benefit not only themselves but the economy as a whole.

“Employers are struggling to fill jobs,” said Janine Vanderburg, initiative director for Changing the Narrative. “As we’ve provided workshops and trainings, we’ve heard so many stories about older people who want to remain in the workforce but are encountering barriers and stereotypes. By partnering with the Age Friendly Foundation to offer this certification, we are increasing awareness of the value of older workers.”

“Employers such as Jewish Family Service and Vintage help bust outdated myths about older workers,” Vanderburg continued. “Older adults are a hidden treasure for employers, offering experience, knowledge, dependability, productivity, maturity, as well as the abilities to problem-solve, to remain calm under pressure, and to mentor younger colleagues. Employing older people provides benefits for leading-edge businesses and organizations, and helps individuals and our state. “Intergenerational workplaces are more creative, productive and profitable. Vintage and Jewish Family Service are showing other businesses the benefits of being inclusive places to be employed.”

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