Certified Age Friendly Employers Tap an Overlooked Labor Pool

The time is ripe for age-friendly workplaces. Big trends like longer lives and declining birth rates are combining with labor force challenges to make this the perfect time to harness the productivity of older workers and intergenerational work teams.

Employers that value the contributions of older workers (age 50 plus), as well as the creativity generated by multiple generations in the workplace, will be at a competitive advantage. Many businesses are missing out
on the well-researched benefits of older workers. Studies consistently show that older workers maintain their productivity and bring sought-after soft skills like reliability, creativity, and adaptability.

Janine Vanderburg

Today’s age 50+ workers are planning to remain in the workforce longer than earlier generations and they remain three times longer in their jobs than younger workers, reducing costs associated with acquiring new workers.

Changing the Narrative has partnered with the Age-Friendly Institute to bring The Certified Age Friendly Employer (CAFE) program to Colorado to recognize organizations committed to being the best places for older people to work and assists job seekers in identifying age friendly employers.

Nationally, companies like Home Depot, REI, and Starbucks are already on board. It only makes sense to take advantage of the fastest growing segment of our workforce and keep older adults contributing to our economy. Long-term demographic trends will put those employers who recognize the value of older workers at an advantage.

Find out more about becoming a Certified Age-Friendly Employer today. https://changingthenarrativeco.org/certified-age-friendly-employer/

Janine Vanderburg is director of Changing the Narrative, a campaign to change the way people think, talk and act about aging, older adults and ageism. To learn more, contact janine@encoreroadmap.com or visit ChangingTheNarrativeCo.org. Hosted by the Seniors’ Council of Douglas County. Info: www.MyDougCoSeniorLife.com, email DCSeniorLife@douglas.co.us or call 303-663-7681.

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