CodeRed Alerts in Douglas County

Check your smoke detectors and register your family to receive life-saving information. The beginning of daylight saving time is not just about moving the clocks forward on March 13. It’s also an important time to take charge of your family’s fire safety plan. An essential part of that plan includes making sure every member of your family with a cell phone is signed up for CodeRED alerts.

CodeRED (Reverse 911) will alert you by phone, email, and text about emergencies in your area. It will also provide you instructions on what to do to protect life and property. The high-speed system works by sending out pre-recorded voicemails to your phone and email. The system will notify you about police activity, lost children, wildfires, and other emergencies nearby.
Please encourage friends, family members, neighbors, and co-workers to register. Businesses should also sign up.

This reverse notification system used by all law enforcement agencies in Douglas County is a vital part of home safety. CodeRED is used to send potentially life-saving emergency information directly to your cell phone, email, or landline. That information can include evacuation notices in case of a wildfire, flood, or other widespread emergencies that require immediate action. CodeRED is also used to notify the public of endangered children or others who may be at risk.

Fire safety experts urge you to check the batteries in smoke detectors and the expiration date on the device itself to ensure it will stay functional for the next 6 months until it’s checked again when daylight saving time ends in the fall.

Sign up for CodeRED today and remember to include every available phone line in your household so notifications will still be received if members of your family are in separate locations. Register at

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