Weld County Celebrates Residents’ Rights Month

In honor and recognition of the hundreds of residents in both nursing homes and assisted living facilities throughout Weld County, the Board of County Commissioners proclaimed October as Weld County Long-Term Care (LTC) Residents’ Rights Month. Through the Department of Human Services Area Agency on Aging (AAA), the Weld County LTC Ombudsman Program works to promote and protect the rights of individuals living in long-term care communities. Residents who have made their home in long-term care facilities maintain their rights as U.S. citizens. Residents’ Rights Month raises awareness about these rights and pays tribute to the unique contributions of long-term residents.

Weld County Resident Rights Month Celebration

“Residents’ Rights have a significant impact. When residents are fully informed, treated with dignity and respect, given the right to make their own choices and communicate freely with people inside and outside of the facility, it greatly enhances their quality of life and quality of care,” explained Raegan Maldonado, Weld County LTC Ombudsman Program Supervisor
Winners for Weld County included Good Samaritan Society at Water Valley and Garden Square were presented with a plaque from Weld County.

The Nursing Home Reform Law, passed in 1987, guarantees nursing home residents their individual rights, including but not limited to individualized care, respect, dignity, the right to visitation, the right to privacy, the right to complain, and the right to make independent choices. Residents’ Rights Month is an annual event held in October by the National Consumer Voice to honor and focus on awareness of dignity, respect, and the value of long-term care residents.
For more information about residents’ rights the LTC Ombudsman Program, contact Maldonado at (970) 400-6128 or rmaldonado@weldgov.com.

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