3 Holiday Movies for Tradition

Holiday traditions are a great way for you and your family to come together and celebrate the spirit of the season.

You may already have family traditions, but creating new ones and adding to the old can help keep your holidays vibrant. When it’s frosty outside and the fire is roaring, what better way to spend time with the family than by watching a heartwarming holiday film?

Below are three holiday films you should consider including in your family tradition.

It’s a Wonderful Life. This Frank Capra masterpiece has charmed and inspired people since its release in 1946. It follows a down-and-out businessman on Christmas Eve who is ready to give up on life until an angel shows him how different his family, and world, would be without him. This one is sure to lift everyone’s spirit!

Home Alone. A true family-pleaser, this one tells the tale of eight-year-old Kevin McCallister who is accidentally left home alone for the holidays. As if that were’n bad enough, he also has to defend his turf against two hapless but determined burglars. This film show you don’t have to go far from home for a holiday adventure, or to learn about the importance of family.

National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. In this third, and some say the best, installment of the Vacation series, Clarke Griswold goes to the limits to give his family the perfect Christmas, and every problem imaginable gets in his way. This is a modern holiday classic that reminds us that the “greatest” holiday is one spent with family and friends.

Choose one of these movies to watch every year, or watch all three. You can check cable airings or find copies at you local stores, Amazon.com or Redbox®. To find other holiday favorites, you can browse MRQE.com 25 Best Holiday Movies list and take your pick!

The holidays are a time to come together and experience the joy of the season. And sharing a holiday movie is a simple and rewarding way to do this. So. go ahead; watch and be merry!

With seniors and their families in mind, this is an article sponsored by Life Care Centers of America.

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