Stay Healthy This Holiday!

Many of us know December to be filled with busyness, celebration, family get-togethers and the joys of the holidays. We all know however that the most wonderful time of the year is also a time that flu and other colds can be at their worst. With all of the holiday shopping, travel, parties and fun, it’s important to do what you can to keep you and your family happy and healthy this holiday season! Here are five tips to help!

1. Disinfect Surfaces: Before sitting down for a flight, be sure to wipe down armrests, seat buckles, air vents, overhead lights, the tray table and latch with disinfecting wipes. These are surfaces that can harbor loads of bacteria and viruses! Taking a moment to wipe them down helps reduce your chances of catching a Christmas bug!

2. Pack Hand Sanitizer and Wash Your Hands: In places you can’t wipe down yourself, go on the defensive and use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently! Mall doors and elevator buttons are havens for viruses! Always also remember to wash your hands before preparing meals, after preparing meat like poultry, taking garbage out and of course, using the restroom.

3. Keep Hydrated: Drinking water throughout the day is a great habit to get into! It allows your mucus membranes to remain moist and perform at their peak, keeping bugs at bay.

4. Get Good Rest: Holidays are great times for catching up with old friends and family you haven’t seen in a while. However, it’s easy to feel like there’s just not enough time to pack it all into a few days. Make a list of events and gatherings you just can’t miss and allow yourself to skip the other not-so-important get-togethers. Catching a cold just because you ran yourself to exhaustion is avoidable!

5. De-Stress: It’s easy to feel overwhelmed during the holidays but don’t let it get out of control. Do what you can to give yourself some “you” time. Take a walk, ask others for help with tasks, and don’t sweat the small stuff! Being too stressed can make you more susceptible to colds and illnesses.

In all your Holiday endeavors, we at Garden Square wish you a wonderful and healthy Holiday season!

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