Could You Have TMD?

Do you suffer from…

Headaches, Earaches, Tender Jaw Muscles, Facial Pain, Clicking or Popping Joints, Decreased Opening of the Jaw, Locking of Jaw (open or closed), Pain behind Eyes, Neck Pain? These aches and pains may be related to the jaw joint, called the temporomandibular joint or TMJ, and the muscles that work to move and stabilize the joint. These painful conditions are called Temporomandibular Disorder TMD.

Dr Nicole Ferrera

How the Jaw Joint and Muscles Work

The joints and muscles on each side of your jaw help open and close the mouth. These joints move in many different directions. They allow you to chew, talk and swallow. The two temporomandibular joints are among the most complex joints in the body. They work together in a delicate balance with muscles, ligaments, jawbone and teeth. When a problem prevents these parts from working together properly, pain and dysfunction may result.

Causes of TMD

Misaligned teeth, missing back teeth, Grinding or Clenching, Stress, Diseases that affect the Muscles or Joints, Infection, Jaw or Head Injury, Sleep Apnea, Incorrect Jaw Growth. Treatment for TMD varies and can involve several different phases or modalities. Screening for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is critical because there is a correlation between the two conditions. TMD is often managed rather than cured. Treatment may involve several options to help decrease pain and increase functions


Custom Orthotic Devices, Trigger Point Injections and, or Prolotherapy, Orthodontic Treatment, full mouth rehabilitation, nutrition, Physical Therapy, Massage, Botox and Surgery.

Contact Dr. Ferrera at Implant & General Dentistry for an appointment at 970-663-1000.

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