A Volunteer Thank You

That is precisely what the Greeley Active Adult Center Open House attendees experienced and enjoyed. The Safari Theme gave everyone an opportunity to join in an organized journey to visit and chat with the assembled 32 service vendors offer a wide variety of products and services along with meeting 24 recreation vendors highlighting GAAC programs
available for entertainment, education, study, hands on craft activities, lunches, special events and more.

(l-r) Laura Anderson, Erin Cranston, Sheri Lobmeyer, Bryant Vickroy

Nearly 200 attendees took advantage of the GAAC Safari Journey. Everyone seemed to enjoy the journey, meeting and chatting with friends, taking a close look at all the products and services; along with learning more about all
the GAAC programs and feature attractions. Planning for a 2025 Open House Version is underway.

Stay tuned. For more information about Greeley Active Adult Center, please call 970-350-9440

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