Celebrating Older Americans Month

Established in 1963, Old er Americans Month (OAM) is celebrated every May. Led by a federal agency, the Administration for Community Living (ACL), OAM is a time to recognize old er Americans’ contributions, highlight aging trends, and reaffirm commitments to serving the older adults in our communities. This year’s theme, “Powered by Connection,” focuses on the profound impact that meaningful connections have on the well-being and health of older adults.

Seniors Enjoying Life

The Weld County Area Agency on Aging strives to bring meaningful connection to the older adults in our community. Connection to us is not just about having someone to chat with, it’s about the transformative potential of community
engagement in enhancing mental, physical, and emotional well-being. At the Weld County Area Agency on Aging, we recognize and nurture the role that connectedness plays, with the help of our community partners, we will continue to mitigate issues such as loneliness and isolation, ultimately promoting healthy aging for all Weld County Older Americans.
What can individuals do to connect?
• Invite more connection into your life by finding a new passion, joining a social club, taking a class, or trying new activities in your community.
• Stay engaged in your community by giving back through volunteering, working, teaching, or mentoring.
• Invest time with people to build new relationships and discover deeper connections with your family, friends, colleagues, or neighbors.
For more information on the Weld County Area Agency on Aging, 970-400-6950, email AAAinfo@ weld.gov or visit our website. For more information on Older Americans Month, visit the official OAM website.

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