Celebrating and Changing with the Times!

This May, 50 Plus Marketplace News celebrates 32 years bringing local news, feature columns, and advertisers to its readers. “We’re grateful for your readership and support across these three changing decades,” commented publisher Robert Trembly.

Seniors Using Computers

A new senior-oriented product was launched in 1991 after Trembly’s colleagues went door to door in Broomfield, Louisville, Lafayette, Longmont, and Boulder, to validate an idea. That idea became a reality when Seniors MarketPlaceNews’ first edition – Boulder County – was published May 1991, during Older Americans Month.
By January 1994, the Larimer County Office on Aging asked for a publication in their area. Larimer joined Boulder with their county-specific editions.

A year later, Weld County proposed they too should have an edition. Theirs includes Weld along with five contiguous eastern counties extending close to Wyoming and Nebraska border.

Denver Council of Regional Governments (DRCOG) expressed interest in 1997 for their multiple counties. Seniors Marketplace News soon published seven editions – Jefferson, Denver, Adams, Elbert, Douglass, Arapahoe, and Summit. A Wyoming edition was added resulting in 10 publications.

In changing with the times, the seven county editions were combined into Metro Denver during the turn of the century. Wyoming was suspended although the Larimer edition is mostly distributed there.

Another change came in 2006 when Seniors Marketplace News became 50 Plus Marketplace News. “Many readers didn’t want to be called seniors,” explained Trembly.

With the shift from print to on-line and internet information, 50PlusMarketplaceNews will make another change. Next month, Denver Metro will now be an on-line edition.

“We plan on the same news content and feature columns our readers have enjoyed for decades,” said Trembly, “Many older adults now use mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones to access the Internet to obtain local news and other services, so again we are changing with the times!”

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