New Technologies Can Improve Eyesight

Diseases from cataracts, glaucoma, age related macular degeneration (AMD), and diabetes, affect millions of Americans each year. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and affect 24 million Americans.

Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness, which affects over 4.5 million Americans age 40 and over. Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among adults aged 20 to 74 affecting four million Americans. AMD is the leading cause of vision loss in 11 million Americans over age 60. The good news is technology is improving eyesight for many of these diseases. Cataracts is easy to prevent and also correctable. Many Americans eventually have cataracts as it is caused by UV rays, diabetes, smoking and aging. Less exposure to these first three causes will help delay cataracts. By age 80, over half of Americans will have cataracts due to aging. Over two million Americans receive cataract surgery each year with new lens implants that improve their eyesight.

Glaucoma is caused by high pressure inside the eye, but treatable using eye drops and new medical procedures. However, if not treated early will cause blindness due to damage to the optic nerve and is not reversible. New technologies using lens implants with controlled release of eye drops is improving glaucoma patient’s eyesight. New medical procedures using laser surgery can also help reduce the eye pressure.

AMD reduces the central vision due to retinal problems and affects most everyday activities. AMD occurs less often in people who exercise daily, avoid smoking, and eat nutritious foods including green leafy vegetables and fish. New technologies using laser surgery, taking specific supplements, or injection therapy can reduce or delay AMD. There is dry (90%) and wet (10%) types of AMD and either can cause loss of vision. Be sure to get an annual eye exam if over age 40 and discuss the results with your eye doctor.

~ Bob Larson is a technologist and our Marketing Director. Email:

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