Understanding Neuroplasticity

Question: Is there any way to prevent dementia?

Dr. Charles and Dr. Vicki Kelsey

Dr. Charles and Dr. Vicki Kelsey

Answer: Most of us believe that increasing age brings with it a diminishing of all faculties, including our brain power. Brain researchers are doing fascinating research that dispels this myth and gives us hope that we can stimulate and renew our brains, just as we do our bodies.
Neuroplasticity is the term used by brain researchers to describe the brain’s ability “ to change in structure or function in response to experience”. New pathways can be formed to create optimum functioning. This is exciting news for those who suffer from dementia, memory loss, insomnia, anxiety, depression and other neurological disorders.
There are many methods for improving our brains, from improving our diets to increasing the flow of oxygen to the brain through aerobic exercise. One of the most exciting methods being explored in brain research is called “NeuroIntegration”.
NeuroIntegration is a groundbreaking, computerized treatment approach in brain therapy, using real time neurofeedback combined with photic and audio response. The NeuroIntegration system begins with a brain map. This map of your brain is then compared with the “statistically normal brain” to identify areas in the brain that are either over firing or are under firing. This technology can effectively “map” the brain, and evaluate neuro-cognitive functions.
Through a specific treatment protocol, based on the brain map assessment, the person learns to control brainwaves and thought patterns, without surgery or invasive methods. While monitoring the electrical activity in the brain, the computer enhances positive brain wave activity and inhibits negative activity, thereby balancing the brain and regulating the nervous system. For more information, visit www.theclearmindcenterofbouldercolorado.com

Dr. Charles Kelsey, DC, and Dr. Vickie Kelsey, DC, are co-owners of Aquarius Functional Neurology, Metabolic and Laser, in Boulder, and The Clear Mind Center of Boulder Colorado.

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