Electronic Recycling at the Larimer County Landfill

Electronics can be taken to the electronics recycling station, operated by Waste Management, inside the Larimer County Landfill. Hours are Monday through Saturday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A fee of 40 cents per pound, cash only applies.

Electronic recycling does not include dismantled items such as computers, televisions, large and small appliances, as well as other items such as weed eaters or electric lawnmowers. Dismantled electronics also cannot be disposed of in the landfill. A state-wide electronics landfill disposal ban went into effect in Colorado effective July 1, 2013.

Accepted items include: Computers and peripherals (mice, keyboards, speakers, & monitors;) fax machines; photocopiers; televisions; remotes, VCRs & DVD players; microwave ovens; electric alarm clocks, toner cartridges, land-line and cell phones; and stereos.

Several other businesses and organizations in northern Colorado may accept unwanted electronics to be refurbished or recycled. The City of Fort Collins (www.fcgov.com/recycling) has put together a list of these places.)

The Landfill is located at 5887 S. Taft Hill Road in Fort Collins. For more information about the Landfill and related services, call the Larimer County Solid Waste Department’s 24-hour information line at 498-5770 or visit www.larimer.org/solidwaste/.

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