Local Author’s First Release

The Navel Diaries_coverTerraCotta Publishing announces the release of a literary non fiction work by Diann Logan titled The Navel Diaries: How I Lost My Belly Button and Found Myself. It is Logan’s humorous and poignant observations about getting older. In the author’s words, “I have to talk myself down from the perilous ledge of self-pity, bemoaning lost youth, and start birthing new potentials.”

Diann thought she would be forever young. The book offers the reader an insider’s view of one woman’s journey into maturity through a series of vignettes. The wit of the book is infused with generational memories and family lore that dovetail into the present. The perspective is refreshing; the attitude is always positive and passionate.

Logan is a member of Colorado Authors’ League and is on faculty at University of Colorado Denver. Andrea Sims, Ph.D., publisher, is the owner of Third Chapter Press.

Both are current residents of Arvada. Former high school classmates, Sims and Logan recently reconnected to produce the current book, with plans for more books in the series.

The Navel Diaries: How I Lost My Belly Button and Found Myself is available in print, $15; or ebook, $9.99. It is available at www.thenaveldiaries.com/, The Tattered Cover, Book Bar Denver, Local Editions, Longmont; Amazon and B&N. The book is published by Third Chapter Press (est. 2010) and is the inaugural release of TerraCotta Publishing, an imprint for literary fiction, creative nonfction, and academic works. To contact the publisher visit www.thirdchapterpress.com or www.terracottapublishing.com/.

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