Fuel for Faster Healing

After surgery or acute illness, the first thing on your mind might be how soon you can get back home. But did you know your dietary habits can also impact your recovery? Alongside a comprehensive inpatient or outpatient therapy program, fill up on these food facts to see yourself stronger and healthier in the coming months.

• Ban Bad Habits. Recreational drug use and excessive alcohol consumption will only slow the healing process. Work with your physician or a counselor on stepping down from harmful habits so you can make haste with healing.
• Eat in Technicolor. A 2010 USDA study revealed that, on average, Americans are eating far below the Institutes of Medicine’s recommended intake of potassium. This vital nutrient provides energy, assists with blood pressure control and maintains electrolyte balance, all of which are helpful during the recovery process. Fortunately, potassium can be found in a rainbow of fresh, plant-based foods. So, to meet the 4,700 mg intake, aim to eat fruit and vegetables of all shades.
• Forgo Fad Dieting. The newest extreme diet of the decade could be setting you back from your recovery goals. However, forming a firm foundation of healthy food choices, such as fresh fruit and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and reduced-fat dairy, can give you more sustained energy to power through your physical therapy program. For more information on balanced eating, talk to your physician and visit ChooseMyPlate.gov

Provided by Life Care Centers of America. Sources: http://www.ars.usda.gov/SP2UserFiles/Place/80400530/pdf/DBrief/10_ potassium_intake_0910.pdf

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