Thoughts and Prayers Are Not Enough

By Rhonda Fields, State Representative, House District 42

It has been 10 years since my son, Javad Marshall-Fields and his financé Vivian Wolfe were tragically murdered. Since that day, I have been fighting to prevent other families from losing loved ones as well. I have tried to do this both through my work in the legislature and through my launch of the Dayton Street Opportunity Center in Aurora.

Despite my loss, I am optimistic. Colorado is still our community. Even as we struggle through fire, flood, and tragic violence, our efforts here have not gone unnoticed. This past month, I had the honor of being invited to the White House. The President extended the invitation because he recognized the sensible strides Colorado has taken to combat violence. We are truly a leader in this area, and President Obama wanted our achievements to be recognized.

After a private meeting in the East Wing, I participated in the activities connected with the President’s announcement of a new set of executive orders. The room was heavy with grief as he made his speech. I sat behind the mothers of Sandy Hook Elementary School students, and as the President shared his remarks, I could feel my son’s spirit with me. I know that his legacy continues as we strive to make our communities safer.

We have much more work to do. We have to fight for economic security for all citizens. We must guarantee benefits for our seniors and ensure access to healthcare and affordable housing. We need to keep moving Colorado forward.

But none of this can be done without your active participation in the political process. The 2016 election cycle starts now, and March 1st is caucus day across Colorado. Please participate in your local caucus. The future of our state depends on it!

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