Weld County Receives Grant For Noxious Tree Removal


Recently, the Weld County Board of Commissioners approved a grant agreement with the Colorado Water Conservation Board for $195,000 to be used for the removal of phreatophytes. Tamarisk and Russian Olive Trees will be removed from approximately 26 linear miles along the Big Thompson River, Little Thompson River and South Platte River.

“The tamarisk and Russian olive tree removal project is a continuation of work that began in 2003 and 2004,” said Commissioner Chair Mike Freeman. “This continuation assists with improving the overall value of the South Platte River Watershed.”

Weld County provides a cash match of $10,000 and an in-kind donation of $28,000 for supervision of the project, chemicals, travel, maintenance, monitoring of the project and a 15 month seasonal staff member. Many other organizations are providing cash matches totaling $35,250 and in kind donations totaling $110,386.

“By removing these phreatophytes, native vegetation can start to grow, wildlife habitats is improved and the water quality is better,” said Commissioner Barbara Kirkmeyer, Commissioner Coordinator for the Department of Public Works. “These noxious trees use more water than native plants and can rapidly dry up irrigation ditches.”

To eradicate the tamarisk and Russian olive trees, the cut-stump method will be used as it has the least amount of impact to the surrounding native vegetation and wildlife. In the cut-stump process, the trees are limbed with the tree trunks cut as close to the soil surface as possible them chemical is applied to the stump after the final cut is made. The cut material is chipped and spread on site.

The project continues through June 1, 2018. Long-term monitoring continues twice a year for five years after the completion of the grant.

For more information, visit www.weldweeds.org.

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