CD1 Congressional Candidate Casper Stockham supports S.2427 – Disability Integration Act 2015!


Congressional candidate Charles (Casper) Stockham announced today that he will support senate bill S.2427 and will introduce a similar house bill if he is elected to congress!

Stockham – “S.2427 has the real potential to correct a government injustice that has gone on for far too long against our fellow disabled American citizens. The government supports putting people in institutions but will not support a more caring home environment.”

Mr. Stockham and family have been personally fighting this disability inequality battle for some time with care for his daughter Faith. After meeting with the wonderful people at the ADAPT facility he knew supporting this bill was the right thing to do.

In many cases well-meaning government official’s wind up causing more problems than they solve but Mr. Stockham hopes S.2427 or similar bill will pass and correct a flaw in this government care system.

ADAPT had reached out to Mr. Stockham’s opponent, Diana Degette, several times to get her support for this bill. She has not agreed to support the bill but has agreed to a meeting.

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