Why Volunteer?


Ten reasons to…

1. It’s good for you.
2. It saves resources.
3.Volunteers gain professional experience.
4. It brings people together.
5. It promotes personal growth and self esteem.
6. Volunteering strengthens the community.
7. You learn a lot.
8. You get a chance to give back.
9. Volunteering encourages civic responsibility.
10. You make a difference.

These reasons enticed a great number of area residents to come to the Greeley Senior Center to help and make a difference.

And, for their volunteering and motivating spirit to get involved, they were treated to a Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast hosted by the Greeley Senior Center. A delicious breakfast, door prizes, entertainment, laughs and fun made for a most enjoyable morning. Thinking about volunteering, contact Greeley Senior Center or call 970- 350-9440.

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